Global Industrial Damper Supplier, Damper Technology Ltd (DTL) unveils a range of specially engineered dampers for applications involving process gases containing SO2 / SO3. This range of dampers is designed to suit any duct size (typically Ø300mm – Ø3000mm). With SS304H construction they are resistant to corrosion, high temperature (up to 800 Deg C), andContinue reading “New Product Range – Sulphuric Acid Plant Dampers – 16/01/2014”
Author Archives: Admin
Damper Technology Ltd (DTL) announce plans to build a manufacturing plant on land where the offices of their subsidiary company DTL India are located in Coimbatore, Southern India. DTL India was incorporated in 2011 and it was always the intention, as work from the Indian operation grew, that they would invest in their own manufacturingContinue reading “Manufacturing Plant For DTL India – 11/07/2013”
Damper Technology Ltd (DTL) is pleased to announce the recent acquisition of the trade and assets of CPH (Thurmaston) Ltd. The site of the offices and fabrication facilities operating from Silverdale Drive, in Leicester, UK will now be operating as a dedicated manufacturing plant for Damper Technology Ltd. CPH have been manufacturing dampers on aContinue reading “DTL Acquire UK Fabrication Facility – 10/07/2012”
UK based engineering company Damper Technology Ltd (DTL) has announced it is opening an Indian subsidiary. The newly incorporated company, Damper Technology India Private Limited (DTL India) is currently setting up offices in Coimbatore, Southern India. A management team has been established and a team of approximately 10 engineers, project managers and sales staff areContinue reading “New Office In India – 19/01/2012”
Job Title: Apprentice Design Engineer Date: 2014-06-19 Job Description: DTL are now inviting applications for a 3 year technical apprenticeship in our Engineering Department, based at our head office in Eastwood, Nottingham (UK).For full details of this outstanding opportunity (and how to apply) please follow this link: DTL-Apprenticeship