Dampers with Expansion Joints – a one stop shop

Packaging non-metallic expansion joints together with our dampers

Expansion joints are often used in systems where dampers are installed. For example in HVAC systems, power plants, and many industrial process applications where dampers control air or gas flow, particularly in high-temperature or corrosive environments. So it makes complete sense to bundle the supply of your non-metallic expansion joint requirements together with your dampers.

Non-metallic expansion joints are excellent at accommodating multi-directional movement—axial, lateral, angular, and torsional. When dampers are adjusted to modulate air or gas flow, these types of movements can occur in the ducting. The flexibility of non-metallic joints helps to absorb these movements, preventing damage to the surrounding ductwork or connected equipment.

Typical Expansion Joint Construction

While non-metallic expansion joints can handle moderate pressure variations, they are typically not used in systems with extremely high-pressure requirements. This makes them suitable for damper applications where pressure changes are controlled but not extreme. Non-metallic expansion joints are lightweight and easy to install, compared to metal joints. They also require less maintenance over time, as they are resistant to wear and tear caused by the movement of dampers.