Damper Technology Ltd (DTL) have recently fulfilled a further two large orders for their specialist dampers for sulphuric acid plants in the USA and Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Arabia project involved over 40 very large butterfly dampers (up to 3600mm ID) operating at very high pressures and to an extremely onerous specification, with theContinue reading “DTL fulfil further large orders for specialist acid plant dampers”
Valued members from our UK Head Office and Indian Subsidiary recently visited the IMPACT Convention Centre in Bangkok, Thailand to attend the Power-Gen Asia Exhibition. DTL have been exhibiting at Power-Gen events for many years and now attend several of these events worldwide, including this event and also Power-Gen India, Europe and Intentional. DTL tookContinue reading “DTL Exhibit at Power-Gen Asia 2015”
POWER-GEN Europe addresses issues relating to the future of the coal, gas and nuclear sectors, the role of renewables, smart grids and electric vehicles, as well as consumers. With 9 conference themes and a full exhibit floor, this is a must attend event. We have been exhibiting at Power-Gen Europe for many years and nowContinue reading “View images of our stand at the recent Power-Gen Europe Exhibition”
Damper Technology Ltd (DTL) announce the significant strengthening of their aftermarket offering with the recruitment of Glenn Bull into the new role of Product Support Manager. With over 10,000 dampers out in service and the increasing requirement for routine maintenance and retrofit on this equipment, DTL have introduced a dedicated service department to ensure aContinue reading “DTL announce significant strengthening of their aftermarket offering”
Progress images during the construction of our purpose built 30,000 sq. ft. fabrication and assembly plant in Southern India, which is due to be completed by the end of Summer 2015.
Damper Technology Ltd (DTL) has been investing heavily in their Indian subsidiary company, DTL India. Not only with the construction of a purpose built 30,000 sq. ft. fabrication and assembly plant in Southern India, which is due to be completed by the end of Summer of 2015, but also by offering secondment posts so theContinue reading “From the ground up for DTL India”
DTL have recently designed and manufactured various Inlet Vane Control (IVC) dampers for one of the UK’s largest fan manufacturers. These dampers are part of an ongoing project and were all manufactured to the specific customer’s specifications. The IVC dampers pictured here are all made of SS316L material with manual operation (lever and quadrant) andContinue reading “IVC Damper Manufacture”
See how our Stand for the POWER-GEN International exhibition all comes together ready for the opening of the exhibition on Tuesday 9th December……thanks to Hunter Expositions of Quebec, Canada for the design & build. Come and visit us at the Orange County Convention Centre from 9-11 December on Stand #1167 to discuss all your damperContinue reading “Stand Construction for the POWER-GEN International Exhibition in Orlando”
With less than 3 weeks to go before we exhibit at POWER-GEN International, our preparations are well under way. This is a preview of our stand which is being shipped and built by Hunter Expositions from Quebec, Canada. During the exhibition we will be promoting our presence in the North American market. Earlier thisContinue reading “POWER-GEN International Preparations”
When the Indian Factory opened earlier this year, a ceremony takes place to bless the factory and workers to set it on the right track to success. This involved pulling the golden chariot around the temple for which key personnel in the business had to be present.